HAW! (Sort of...)

OKAY....after much web-surfing I FOUND a photo of "the Zandra Rhodes" elephant - INTACT! (Covent Garden had this production first!) Not so much of a "HAW" stretch now.......
" We are still romantics at heart. The romantics give us back our Moon, for instance, which science has taken away from us and made into just another airport. Secretly we all want the Moon to be what it was before ~ a mysterious, hypnotic light in the sky. We want Love to be mysterious too, as it used to be, and not a set of pyschotheraputic rules for interpersonal relationships. We crave mystery even as we forge ahead toward the solution of one cosmic mystery after another." Leonard Bernstein
"But having now put behind her hope and fear, she was resolved to kick against the wind no more, but stand firm and see what Destiny would do." E.R. Eddison♥ Robin ♥
Sending all of you, warm hugs and loving thoughts. When you look up to the Moon, think of me!
♥ Robin ♥
The wonderful, talented, world-wide traveller, Marianne, will soon be on the Eastern Shores of the USA - visiting Lolo, KJ, JB, Mim, Emma, Bliss and Stella. I am so sorry not to be there...as I would love to meet her in person.
Marianne is also the Mum to her beautiful children and also her gorgeous "animal kids". I adore them all, but have to confess a particular favourite is her black cat - Sjimmie. He is, without a doubt, the "King of the Castle".... sleek and smart..and he knows it. This little video is NOT Sjimmie as a kitten.....although I have no doubts he was very like as a small black ball of fluff.
So, on this Animal Wednesday....a small tribute to "King Sjimmie"! My pre-visit gift to Marianne.
Love to all,
♥ Robin ♥
p.s. In case you are wondering....the little kitten DID NOT eat the parakeet!
Keeping with Mim's HAW theme and KJ's poem....here are a few beautiful moments as these lovely creatures soar.....I particularly love the shot as they pass Mont-Saint-Michael . Magical!
HAW to everyone!
♥ Robin ♥