We opted for a *Night Tour* of Alcatraz...this enabled us to see a little more than those people who visit during the *Day Tours*. As we began the rocky climb to the actual prison, the clouds parted for a minute and a bit of blue peeked through.
Alcatraz is home to many different species of Birds........but on this very cold and late day, I only saw the current *Sentinels of the Rock* - Seagulls!
There were hundreds of them...their cries filling the darkening sky as they soared through the clouds - or stood watch.
Still climbing upwards....I heard a *Caw - Caw*....and a Raven landed! Look closely amid the greenery and you will see his shiny black feathers! Lo, you send your emissaries everywhere!
Almost to the top entrance where prisoners entered and were led to their cells.
Although I have grown up in the *Shadow* of Alcatraz.....I had no idea of how utterly grim it was inside. The cells were unbelievably tiny.... a large man would have only a few feet to move about....I was almost overcome by the still-stifling rows of tiny, airless cells. It was a sobering experience.
In the only area with some room....the "Library".... three tired visitors.... |
I didn't know if I would have the courage to actually enter one of the isolation cells....but I decided I should...this was shot from the back of this very tiny, dark cell. Imagine spending months in here....
Putting on a *Brave Smile*....but I really couldn't wait to get back outside... |
The view across the Bay to San Francisco......
The Lighthouse....
Outside, though, I found some incredible beauty (yes, really)..... for one thing, there were many Baby Seagulls....fluffy and peeping away.....
Beautiful, lush banks of Wild Flowers......
As we began our descent to the Ferry back to San Francisco, the Sun actually appeared for a Golden-Rose minute - casting warm rays over the Bay, Angel Island...and even Alcatraz.
I think we all were ready to leave..... it was a somber experience.....but one that also enlightened. Now, we returned to San Francisco for a late, but welcome dinner. It has been a very long, cold day.....but spending it in the company of wonderful, warm friends guaranteed it to be a memorable day - always.
I hope you enjoyed visiting *The Rock* with us!
♥ Robin ♥