My dear friend Joyce invited me up *North* to her beautiful home located in the Valley of the Moon for a few days of Sunshine and WARM... no, HOT - weather! It was heavenly....walking in shorts and sandals, no scarves, boots, hats, gloves etc. PLUS, I got to spend time with Mimi, Joyce's oh-so-intelligent Border Collie/Blue Healer mix.
Autumn is on her way.... |
Mimi, waiting for Auntie Robin to finish her morning coffee so we can go for a LONG WALK! |
"Come on, *Slowpoke*.......I've been ready for 10 minutes!" |
There are many Deer..and this is the time for Fawns to be born.... I managed to capture this little guy suckling his Mum... it was hard to centre the photo - carrying a *Poop Bag* and having Mimi on a lead so she could not chase them...
Then, off to visit my *Friends* - the Woodpeckers! The last time I was here, it was Winter and their tree was quite bare....
December, 2012 |
August, 2013 |
As soon as Mimi and I stood below their tree, they both flew out to the street light - and let me know *they were NOT amused* by our presence!
Autumn is beginning to weave her tapestry...
Joyce and I went to buy some more flowers for her patio......are you surprised I chose these? A-ha-ha!
Ah.....and, I saw La Bella Luna for the first time in TWO MONTHS! Needless to say, I was out every night taking photos!

Venus, saying *hello*.....
It was emotionally healing to sleep with all the windows open at night (it was in the high 80's/low 90's every day), falling asleep to the serenade of Crickets.....
Too soon, it was time to return to San Francisco....and as we approached the Golden Gate.... look what *greeted* me!

Sigh.... oh well, Opera Rehearsals begin on I will be too busy to notice the Fog!