The exsquisite main hall, empty now...but soon to be full of people, champange, life!
Opera #3, Puccini's "La Fanciulla del West"...or, "The Girl of the Golden West"... truly, an Italian-Spaghetti Western, starring Deborah Voight .....
- and featuring a a real horse - the beautiful "Whizkid" - shown here with MOI....who feeds him carrots before the performances...
A backstage look as the scene begins to take shape for "Die Walkure".
I have blogged more than most of you will want concerning this subject.....but, this is MY PASSION..... and I want to share "my world" with you. Yes, I do have photos with "stars" - but I respect their privacy, so must ask for their "blessing" before I post photos.... hopefully, more coming soon!