It was an extremely emotional Mother's Day Weekend...and I was hoping for a warm, Spring Monday to push past it. Alas, it was not to be......as you can see, the San Francisco Skyline is full of dark, ominous clouds..... and....it is raining and cold (50) as I write this. Actually, I am a lover of rain....but, we have had more than our share this year....sigh... well, at least the flowers, trees and birds are happy!
Still, Spring is slowly and gently weaving her spell.... these gorgeous blooms are in my neighbour's back yard. (I hope you can see all the levels of the yard... we live on a hill. After all, this is San Francisco!) They re-landscaped last year and it is paying off - plants blooming, birds happy..... "My" Mocking Bird makes frequent stops here.
I am reading a marvelous book - not for everyone, but some of you would like this. "In a Dark Wood Wandering"...by Hella S. Haase. A very powerful and moving story set in the fifteenth century, during the Hundred Years War between France and England.
Sending you all love on this wet Monday,
♥ Robin ♥
wonderful to see the San Francisco skyline. All those cars lined up! Your neighbor's garden is colorul and their home is lovely, looks sort of New Orleans like with that porch. Now I am pretty sure I didnt read that book but have certainly had my hands on it and contemplated reading it. I love the title. Have fun delving into its depths as the rain patters.
ReplyDeleteAh Robin, that fog is so familiar! I can feel the chilly mist. I used to get so depressed in Pacific Grove when the fog bank came in and blocked out the sun. It's funny how people from Fresno and similar places come to us to have the fog! One man's misery...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry your day was dismal. I hope the rest of the week brings you rainbows!
Lo ♥
Cold in my neck of the woods, too, but at least sunny (rare for Ohio). Mothers Day is always strange for me. I try to concentrate on my motherhood and not think of my own. Your book sounds interesting. When you've finished, you must give us a review!
ReplyDeleteI miss S.F so much and you! How I wish I could come for a visit and you know I LOVE fog, but I hope you get some sun soon and that your week gets better. xoxo
ReplyDeletenow listen up rain: robin has had enough. she needs sunshine. i order you to cease and settle for morning dew on the grass.
ReplyDeleterobin, i liked seeing a glimpse of your neighborhood. more please?
love love
Suki - these days, whenever I take photos in SF, I keep you in mind....because I know, like the old song says, "You left Your Heart in San Francisco"....... well, at least a part of it... You are right! My neighbours back yead DOES resemble New Orleans a bit.....
ReplyDeleteThe book is good (but long)574 pages....I am enthralled though and will give a "review" when I am done.
Sunny - but cold.......breaking records here - 40 degrees.......brrrr
♥ Robin ♥
Lo, it is wonderful to share West Coast memories with you....fun to know someone who has experienced fog, damp - but also breathtaking beauty!
ReplyDeleteYes, it is always comical to see people from Modesto, Fresno, driving into the City for a "breath of fog"!
Looking out for those rainbows - YOU TOO!
Sending you a BIG HUG!
♥ Robin ♥
Willow, you are blessed to have children...
ReplyDeletesadly, I never did - although just having ended a 16 year relationship, it is probably for the best.
The book is good and I promise a review soon!
♥ Robin ♥
Anne, you too have left part of your ♥ here....but I know that you will be back for a visit soon - perhaps THIS year! One never knows....
♥ Robin ♥
KJ, the "gods" heard you! Sunshine this morning - but COLD! BRRRRR... still, everything FEELS warmer when the sun is out.
ReplyDeleteI promise to take more neighbourhood shots....I have loved seeing many of our blogging family's areas...so, Robin's "SF" coming soon....and....will take a "special" shot today - just for Emily! (You'll see tomorrow...)
Love, Love, "KJB",
♥ Robin ♥
When I first moved to SF I lived up on the 21th floor of the Eichler Summit Tower, on Green Street.
ReplyDeleteI used to leave the windows open and the fog would come right into the apartment, it was both truly strange and magical. Then I moved to Orinda way up on Zander Dr - the house came down the hill several years after I had moved, thank goodness for timing ;) It was sunny all the time there or just about. Funny, I did missed the fog. Here in Portland we don't really have fog, but other than green it appears to me at times we have nothing else but gray. Today was supposed to be sunny and I was planning on being outside planting, our handyman was going to be here to seal the patio tiles, and you can guess the rest. There is a saying here about weather, "Only newcomers and fools try to predict the weather in Oregon" - So true!
If we get any sunshine I promise to send you some, and my dear Contessa Rosina, you are welcome any time you decide to come up for a duet. Fondly, Susanna
yup it's gonne brrr here in london too, and ugh! keep your chin up dear one (i know that is such a stupid saying, isn't it?)
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you about my first visit to California one day - actually will find my post about it. Needless to say, it involved sweatshirts purchased at fishermans wharf, and chilly bare legs.
ReplyDeletelovely post about your mom, she sounds beautiful in every way
Dear Robin,
ReplyDeletewe've had cold wind here, and really cold water, it's giving my guys headaches when they surf.
I hope it warms up there soon, it sounds like you need that.
your post on your mother was so very lovely. I'm sorry the weekend was difficult for you. I hope your feeling better now.
lori :)
Allegra, why am I NOT surprised that you once lived in SF? Just one more link for us....
ReplyDeleteI know where you once lived on Green Street - and can visalise you letting the fog drift in to your home...
I actually love the heavy, low-lying fog.... but, a girl likes a few weeks of sunshine from time-to-time! Living in Portland now - I know you know!
Grazie Mille, Susanna, mio - for your invitation! I am hoping I can journey North to sing that duet and do some cooking and garden-sitting this year!
Con Amore,
Countess Rosina
Joss, the sun is here! Two days in a row! It's lovely....I hope it is shining in London too!
ReplyDeleteMy chin is up, dear girl - yours too!
♥ Robin ♥
Mim - your comment made me smile... you were not alone when you visited SF... many people are "surprised" when they arrive and ...FREEZE! We refer to the months from June - September as "the Mini-Winter"... it is usually 20-30 degrees cooler than the rest of the counties just across the bridges! Brrrrr... next time, come in October! Usually our best weather month!
♥ Robin ♥