Die Walküre opened on Thursday Evening. It is one of four operas Wagner wrote as "The Ring of the Niebelungen". It is my favourite of the four and in fact, is my second most beloved Opera of all time. ("Tristan und Isolde" is my first.) I have been (as you know) privy to attending all of the rehearsals - so I already knew what the public was in store for. These days (sadly), most directors go for "spectacle" - there has to be a gimmick....and this production is no different. However, the sets actually work and do not detract (too much) from Wagner's haunting tale of Love, Fate, Gods, Goddesses, Mortals, Giants and yes...even dogs.

Die Walküre lasts 4 1/2 hours....so I will not explain the very intricate plot to you - but suffice it to say the pair pictured above (Siegmund and Sieglinde) are twins, seperated at a young age, who find each other and (gasp) fall in love. Here they are - with a sword (There HAS to be a sword, right?) and a HUGE Full Moon.

Wotan (Head of the Gods) and his favourite daughter, Brunhilde. (She is the leader of the Walküre - 9 Warrior-Maidens - who bring dead heroes to Valhalla.)
Here, they are having a little "Father-Daughter" fun in the "Board Room" of Valhalla.
Here, they are having a little "Father-Daughter" fun in the "Board Room" of Valhalla.

Wotan is about to punish Brunhilde for disobeying him when she tried to save Siegmund's life. As you can see, the Walküren are dressed as WWI parachuters.... and when they make their entrance to the famous music
(mis-used in so many movies, cartoons etc.), they (well, actually, supers) really parachute in from the top of the stage to the floor.... so far, audiences love it and break into immediate applause.
Wotan's punishment for Brunhilde is to strip her of her "Goddess" status, make her a "mortal" woman, put her asleep on a rock, surrounded by a ring of fire. This way, "only" a hero can awaken her (with a kiss, of course)....this will not happen until the end of the third opera - "Siegfried".... but I digress..

Oh, and where are the dogs I mentioned? Well, they are not actually in Wagner's original script....but, a delightful addition to this opera. They run across the stage in pursuit of the twins (pictured above with the sword and the moon).... two large doggies - Humboldt and Milo (by name). And...here I am, with Humboldt, outside the stage door. The photo is blurry - but Humboldt's owner isn't the best photographer.
So, that's probably more than any of you (except Willow) want to know about "Die Walküre"! It's the third (and last) of the Summer Operas at San Francisco. No more opera posts from me until the Autumn! Ho-jo-to-ho!
♥ Robin ♥
Aha! Another lover of opera. Robin I have been sorely remiss and have not visited here for some time now. Wagner operas have always daunted me ... always seemed like heavy going, particularly the ring cycle of which I know Die Walküre is one part. (Bit of a Verdi fan myself). But you have inspired me to have another listen. How wonderful to take pictures of the production! Live opera is such a joy ... so much better than listening to recordings only, something I had not realised until the last few years since I started going with my mum.
ReplyDeleteFinally she has hope that I will become somewhat less of a philistine. Then again, old habits die hard. xx Jos
I adore this post, love seeing these dramatic photos. The costumes are such a surprise. And I love too hearing the story of the opera through your eyes. And the photo of you with the hero is super. Theater is so exciting and intense an art. Have fun as you continue taking part.
ReplyDeleteYou have given me a love of Wagner, of course I never really know what is going on, but I do love the music. I also love these sets, they are amazing. I wish I was there to go with you, perhaps you could smuggle me in :-).
Die Walküre is too one of my favorites, but I was truly in shock at the costumes. I remember that last time I saw it with the classic flowing robes, and those incredible headpieces. I guess I just love the pomp and circumstance of all of Wagner's operas and I cannot imagine a modern take on any of them.
ReplyDeleteI am an old biddy, what can I say? ;)
Love the photo with the puppy. Are you having sunshine finally? It arrived here and I am on my way to the orchard to talk to the tomatoes.
Hugs from here in this rare sunny day.
omg you are so knowledgeable. and i simply loe the photo of you two. so nice to actually 'see' you. lotsa big kisses for today sweetness.
ReplyDeleteJos, I HAVE been the one who was remiss! You know, we opera lovers are a distinct minority....so, it means a lot to find someone who loves this particulsr art form.
ReplyDeleteIt seems "Verdi-lovers" and "Wagner-lovers" - never the twain shall meet... but, it really isn't so....as I do adore Verdi.....particularly, "La Traviata", "Otello" and "Don Carlos".
And.... as you said, live opera is so much more fullfilling than the most perfect DVD.
I feel a huge heart and spirit here.....open your for Wagner....I feel blessed to be witnessing such an incredible production....after seeing twenty years of mediocrity....
Stay in touch!!!!!
♥ Robin ♥
Suki..... it is a huge comfort to me to know that you 'get it".... this opera means so much to me.... and I feel very blessed to be a (very small) part of a production that is going to have HUGE ramifications in the Opera World. Today, after four rehearsals and two performances, I am pretty happy. This is an emotion I haven't felt much of this last year.... art (in any form) can help save one's being. YOU know that.
♥ Robin ♥
Anne, I didn't have enough time to really open your heart to Opera..... (and Wagner).. but I tried...and I know that some of it penetrated your heart.
♥ Robin ♥
Allegra, don't get me wrong.... did you happen to see the "Ring" in SF in 1985? This was my FIRST "Ring" and God blessed me by giving me EXACTLY what I had imagined as a child. It has been a downhill road since then....Munchen, Bayreuth, NY, and SF (after '85) never lived up to my imagination.
ReplyDeleteI KNOW - we are kindred spirits and look at lifethe same. But, this "Walkure"....though different - does not OFFEND. TRUST ME. Today, "performance #2", I had 3/4 of the cast down for food and drink as the opera progressed... they "Feel" the love we have for amazingly good voices.
I can't go on and on...BUT...one thing I must say - YOU ARE NOT AN "OLD BIDDY".... the word could never, in a million years, apply to you!
I am (finally) having sunshine....coming out of today's matinee, it was a PLEASANT surprise to feel the warmth of the sun on my face....
Kiss the tomatoes for me!
♥ Robin ♥
Jossie, my sweet.... you know Opera IS the big passion of my life ...now that my man has gone... these days, it is HARD to go on....but as you, KJ, Lo, Suki, Anne, Allegra, Jos, Willow, Pam and Jos are all creative beings, Opera IS my only venue to give ....and so, I give.
ReplyDeleteMany kisses back to you....beloved Jossie. You know, Renee was right....there are many Angels who live on Earth.....and you are one of them.
♥ Robin ♥
I have a picture of my mom in costume for one of those Wagner opera's. I'll post it and get a good giggle and you will probably like it!!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds fabulous, Robin! I absolutely adore opera and Wagner, too.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are enjoying your summer.
Hugs and love,
what can i say? i have seen only madame butterfly my whole life, which by the way i loved.
ReplyDeletestill, a brother and sister unknowingly falling in love? that sounds like opera to me!
i love reading this and learning from you, robin. i love the photos. i want more photos of you. i want a post of photos of you: alone, with horses and dogs, at the ocean, looking at the treee across the street.
ah....that gives me an idea for a post we can all participate in....
Hi Robin! I have a terrible, horrible confession to make. I am an opera neophyte, which is a little strange since I grew up playing music, and was in band and orchestra in high school, and choirs, too. Somehow, I just never learned about opera growing up in the Mojave Desert. :) I can feel the love that you have for it through your words, and the sets looks amazing. I will get busy and educate myself. ;) Love the picture of you and the dog!
ReplyDeleteI know everyone might know this, but what do you do? I know you are part of it somehow! LOL!! xoxox Pam
Angela, another opera lover - and....a Wagner lover! How wonderful!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Summer too!
♥ Robin ♥
"KJB".....somehow I think you might like this particular opera.... and some of the music is truly heartbreakingly beautiful!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your next project - for our "ensemble"....
Love, Love you!
♥ Robin ♥
Pam.... Opera is not for everyone...just like Picasso or John Steinbeck is not for everyone... but, can be one of the most exciting art forms if you have a good cast - who can both sing and act, an excellent conductor and orchestra.... my "job" is a volunteer one - I "Captain" the coffee service backstage. My "team" provides coffee, tea and snacks for the chorus, orchestra and principals. It is great fun...plus we get to attend all rehearsals and performances. I have been doing it for almost 7 years now and love it!
♥ Robin ♥
You're so right!! More! More! This looks like a FABulous production! Wow!!!