Here are a few photos of some of our major opera stars ... they were taken by a good friend of mine, John Martin, who is the resident photographer for San Francisco Opera. I hope you enjoy.
Happy 4th of July to those of you in the States! Happy Summer Weekend to those of you abroad!
♥ Robin ♥

Patricia Racette as "Marguerite" and John Relyea as "The Devil" in "Faust".

Deborah Voight as "Minnie" in "La Fanciulla del West".

Nina Stemme as "Brunnhilde" and Christopher Ventris as "Siegmund" in "Die Walküre".

Tamara Wapinsky as
"Helmwige" - one of the
eight parachuting "Walküres".'s Me! John needed a "model" to set up his lighting etc..... so here I am, on a rare warm Sunday afternoon, setting up for "Die Walkure" in a Summer Dress!
Why should you make a last post about the opera?!
ReplyDeleteFor me it it a world unknown.....I love to see glimpse of it!
That last picture is the best ;)
Happy 4 th of July Robin!
I love the intensity of Faust and Brunhilde. Ah the drama. I like the photo of you especially. Im sorry the opera is over. always a big empty space when a play has ended and everyone disperses. Thanks for sharing this season with us. I just loved being backstage with you. Blessings, Suki PS my word v. was bards
ReplyDeletehi robin,
ReplyDeletei stopped by via yoli's site -
enjoyed the great dramatic fotos of the opera stars - you have a great blog! look forward to visiting again ~
p.s. i am a fellow moon-follower ♡ and have a similar phase tracker on my site!
Really wonderful's nice to see the stars are 'real women' and not skinny-minnies!
ReplyDeleteThe photo of you is sweet and charming ;)
I love that dress too!
It's wonderful having a voice to match your pretty face ;)
Oh keep posting Robin, i'm with Marianne, it's a world unknown and your passion for opera makes it fun to learn about.
ReplyDeleteAnd i do like the last photo best too! you look lovely!
i am saying everything everyone else has said.
ReplyDeleteit is a treat to SEE you! what a kind beautiful engaging and curious face.
love love
guess who
Hi Robin! You are so pretty, and FIT. But I love you anyway. ;) I have enjoyed getting a glimpse of opera, it is completely unknown to me, and something I want to learn more about. The photos are all gorgeous - everyone looks very happy about being involved. Don't you love the creative life? :) Happy 4th to you! xoxox Pam
ReplyDeleteI agree with all here, all of us want to learn more, you never have to apologize for sharing your passion! I love how intense everyone looks, and I agree the last photo is the best :-).
Hello darling, and just exactly what do you meann"no more opera posts"? I will feel like Violetta and get my handkerchief and go pine by the window. You look beautiful, you should use that photo for your avatar. There is such a melancholic but exquisite expression that reveals so much about your beauty. Here I go again, telling you what to do. Shame on me (but you should use that photo) *smile*
ReplyDeleteI hope the weather is good where you are my dear, here it is the pits. Dark and gray and it could be November for all I know. Some of the veggies took a look outside and dove back into the ground. So much for beans this year!
Hugs from here and have a great weekend.
Marianne....Du bist so suess! Danke fur das Kompliment! But, more importantly, thank you for not being bored with my Opera posts....and, for taking time TODAY to respond.
ReplyDeleteLove to you, Sjimmie and the "Gang",
♥ Robin ♥
Suki, I should have posted a non-makeup photo of John Relyea....39 years great shape (during rehearsals, you should have seen him in black jeans and t-shirt....OMG!) As for Nina Stemme (Brunhilde).....she is my Opera "Goddess"...she is small (5'4"..)and thin...but the voice is HUGE...and the heart is even bigger. The BEST "Brunnhilde" I have ssen in 25 years.....(this includes Europe)
ReplyDeleteI was happy to tell her this and share time together before she went onstage.
Love that "bards" came up on my blog! you Suki!
♥ Robin ♥
Amanda, how lovely you stopped by to visit!
ReplyDeleteA fellow wonderful! Please come again and I will pop over to visit you!
♥ Robin ♥
Ah, Lo, Lo, LOLO, you are too sweet! You know, most of these "Stars" are pretty fit...Nina Stemme, for example, is only 5'4" and probably weighs 125 pounds... so happy you liked my Summer you know, living in N. Cal....I only have 4 Summer "thingies"...and wear them once a it was real treat!
ReplyDeleteYes.....I am so happy I know your voice now too!!!!
Love you,
♥ Robin ♥
Ah, Lori.... too sweet! I feel lucky that you are enjoying "my passion" in has gotten me through the WORST YEAR ever.... music IS a great healer.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment. It was strange to see the proofs when John gave them to me....
I once was a a person who photographed everything my Ex and I did.....this past year, no photos at all....and this Summer, I took two photos with the animal "Stars" of SF Opera.....but, this was the FIRST photo of "Me", alone..... and all I saw was the pain etched in my face... but, I am glad I still look "presentable"...
You all are convincing me to continue my Opera posts in the Autumn....
Lori, you are wonderful and my beloved California friend!!!
♥ Robin ♥
Dearest "Guess Who".... you KNOW what you mean to me.... see my comment to Lori....if you can see kindness, curiosity and engagement in this poor old wounded face.....then, it is MAINLY because if YOU and Renee....never forget that....
ReplyDeleteI am counting the months!!!!! Lobster ROlls!
Love, Love, Love,
♥ Robin ♥ made me Laugh.....always a welcome feeling! Yesssss....the creative life means the world to me..... I am happy to be a (small) part of it in any way....I can't imagine a better, more fullfilling life than to be an artist - in any venue. YOU ARE.... and I am so happy to know you.... I treasure my Enid.... and I treasure our friendship!
♥ Robin ♥
Anne, you are too kind.....I KNOW I subjected you to countless Operas when you lived here.....somehow, I feel you would appreciate it more now...we are both older and (in your case) wiser.... when you come back to SF...I am so "dragging you back"..... you will have a blast backstage!
ReplyDeleteLove you......
♥ Robin ♥
My dearest, sweetest "Violetta".....we cannot have any of the ACT III tragic arias...I will continue to post in the Autumn...particularly since Placido Domingo will be singing one of his final performances....(he is retiring from singing in January, 2011). I know him quite well....but that will be for another post....
ReplyDeleteI think I WILL change my Avatar the current one was taken when I had a job and a man and was estatically happy with life....while the latest one - as you so sagely saw, has a lot of pain in it.... but, that is who I am now... and I should be honest in representing MOI!
Sweet One, sigh....the weather HAS been fairly warm and sunny for 2 1/2 WAS sunny when I walked to the de Young for my the time I left work, the FOG..was a'rollin' in.....and it is going to be a dark and foggy night! I think you and I and B.Loved need to move to New Mexico.....or Rhode Island or Massachusetts...
I am here......if you ever need me, remember I am only a call away.
P.S. Saw my first Summer Dragoinfly (bright blue) hovering above the de Young fountain (where the ducklings were back in April.....)
Love you, always,
♥ Robin ♥
Lovely photos Robin. Never apologise for your blog content if it isn't deliberately rude or inflamatory. This is your space- fill it with you- your passions and interests. There are enough bland places in the world. Keep making this place special to you.
ReplyDeleteMelanie, thank you for your wise brought a smile to my face this morning!
ReplyDeleteMany hugs across the "pond",
♥ Robin ♥
Hear, hear... more about OPERA! There's no better teacher than our dearest RL, that I can say from experience... and the Autumn will bring not one but TWO runs of Aida, which means y'all can look for posts about nearly-naked Supers and all sorts of backstage shenanigans.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to descending once again with you into our dear little "Nibble-heim" {insert loud sounds of clanging metal here}... when Anne comes you will be flanked by "mit E" and "ohne E" and we shall have some nifty adventures!
xo, Trix
T et D,
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous season we had! And although we will be "Wagner-less" for the Autumn, there will many musical treats in store for us.
♥ Robin ♥
Pucini festival in Lucca all month long - saw some lovely concerts while we were there - thought of you!!
ReplyDeleteHello darling, I love the new photo. You are so beautiful inside and out that it shines, even across the ether. Sunny here! heat waves that I normally take refuge from inside our A/C house but today I am planning on going out and sit under the umbrella and soak the warmth - I never go out in the sun without creams and big hats or my Beloved Mother and nana Petrona would make sure that I get the message from the other side of the veil - and I will think of you, wishing you a sunny and lovely day. I posted something today that I am sure you will understand. Hugs from here.
ReplyDeleteMim....I am SO PLEASED you took time to visit my blog....when you are still in the throes of jet-lag and unpacking etc. I was hoping you would see this I wanted to share a few of these photos with you. The final performance of "Faust" made me think so much of your beautiful Mum...and of course, YOU.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Back, Bella Mima!
♥ Robin ♥
Bella Allegra, Cara Mio!!!! You see, I DID listen to you, took your advice and changed my Avatar photo. I am thrilled you have heat...DO GO OUT and let La Sol's rays soak into you... (but do wear a hat and lots of sun bloc....). Right now, your body needs the warmth and Vit. C that only ths sun can provide.
ReplyDeleteIt is cold, foggy and windy here.... but, dear one, I really don't are OVERDUE for warmth..... enjoy it.... I know the garden and all of it's denizens are thrilled to have you up and about!
Much love, many hugs......hearing from you ALWAYS brightens my day!
♥ Robin ♥
Robin, you did not subject me to anything. I loved going to the Opera with you, even if I did not know what was happening most of the time :-). I hope I get to come to SF soon!
ReplyDeleteLove you too.
Yes Robin more red wine... LOL~
ReplyDeleteI love these photo's of your Opera mates!
Please take care and enjoy your life~
just stopped by to say hello...hope your ear is better and that the sun is breaking thru a bit..
ReplyDeletePattee....Gypsy Sister.....lovely of you to stop by!
ReplyDeleteMany hugs!
♥ Robin ♥
Mim.....sigh - no sun, another week of greyness and cold predicted..... would we could each exchange a bit of our weather patterns!
ReplyDeleteCiao, Bella!
♥ Robin ♥