A strong,emotional week for me....in every way. Many of my "Blogging Family" are going through intense times... (you know who you are).... but, ALL of you know how much my "Blogging Family" means to a girl who is, for all intensive purposes, alone in life....
Anyway, yesterday, I was enroute to a job interview....and as I walked down the hill, who flew almost directly over my head....but a wonderful Blue Heron. (Not the one pictured above....as I did not have my camera with me.....)
He WAS in flight though....and I had to stop and take him all in....the huge wings, gracefully flapping, the long legs, straight back as he soared through the sky. It was a breathtaking moment....(rememember I live in a City....) and it infused me with hope and strength.
And you know, I KNOW you can all relate to this moment in my life - because you are ALL so wonderful.
For those of you who are struggling....know I am there with you, sending strength and love.
And, of course, I send each and every one of you my love and gratitude because I have "met" you and we have become more-than-friends.
♥ Robin ♥
What a beautiful image! I saw it as you described it to me over the phone too ;)
ReplyDeleteThe days will get better and brighter Ms. Robin. That much I can promise. I, for one will not let you be all alone anymore.
lots of love,
Oh, sweetie, I hope you get the job!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful thing to have happened, on your way.
Love and hugs,
I think the wonderful thing is that you took the moment to SEE the Heron - to watch it fly and to see the hope in the image. That's whats wonderful
ReplyDeleteSending you love and hugs right now. Later on today I will sit outside and write to you in response to the most wonderful, love filled note I have received from a never "alone" girl.
ReplyDeleteNot for as long as there is a breath in my body I will accept you are alone, because I call you my friend and there are not many people who can say I call them that. I hope a ray of sunshine dances around you all day. Hugs from here, my dear gift from another dear friend :)
ReplyDeleteit's me.
do you see me?
i'm here.
beside you.
i'm staying.
right here.
want half of my candy bar?
Ah, Lo.... thank you for saying these lovely words.....I know you mean them and I am grateful. I am praying for brighter and better days too....
♥ Robin ♥
Annie, so sweet of YPU to take time to visit when you have so much going on with youe Mom.
ReplyDeleteAlas, I did not get the job....but, I will keep trying.
♥ Robin ♥
Mim, you are right! No matter what curves Life throughs at one....we MUST not stop living and enjoying the beauty of this wonderful world we live in.
♥ Robin ♥
Allegra.... I cannot say anything....my heart is full... your words have filled me with courage and hope. You ARE a gift to me..... that Renee....what a woman!
ReplyDeleteLove and Strength, dear one,
♥ Robin ♥
KJ......I DO see you, I HEAR you....and I want to share that candy bar! Dark Chocolate? Or not, I love all of them...
ReplyDeleteJust started "the book".....
Love, Love, Love.......and more Love,
♥ Robin ♥
oh robin, if it's dark chocolate i'll give you three quarters and if it's milk chocolate you give me three quarters. doesn't that sound just right?
ReplyDeleteyou're reading 'the book'? i hope you like it....
What a wonderful sighting. I know just that feeling Robin, it is truly a blessing.
ReplyDeleteI hope the heron was a sign, even if you didn't get the job. Keep the hope and strenght in you always.
xo lori
Robin! I love blue herons so much! They are my special bird. I live near a creek, and sometimes when i drive over the little bridge I see one fishing. They keep very still, and they seriously look like lawn ornaments! LOL! I surprised one out our back door on morning. He was snacking on the goldfish in my little pond. lol! I am hoping that you are feeling better, and I am sending you hugs! Your friend, Pam xox!!
ReplyDelete"KJB"....lets but two chocolate bars - one dark, one milk....the we can share. I have had a really bad few days....your book is keeping me going...
♥ Robin ♥
Lori, it always makes me feel better to see you have visited here.... yes, I do feel the Heron was a sign....of what, I am not sure...but I hope it was an augment of good things....
ReplyDeleteSending you love and strength,
♥ Robin ♥
Pam...... I had no idea you loved Blue Herons so much....it warms my heart..... they are so GORGEOUS..... but darn, they are carnivors... and, it makes me want to interefere when they are after baby duckings or fishees... Nature CAN be so conflicting...
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this with me....it means a LOT. I am so happy we have become friends!
Love (and Skellies),
♥ Robin ♥
Just popping in to wish you a Happy Monday!! xx
ReplyDeletehello robin ~ i am visiting via both yoli and lori's blogs - amazing how connected everyone is in this blogging world!
ReplyDeletei'm glad to have found your site - i love a lot of the same things you mentioned: the ever-changing moon, thunder and lightning (just had a heck of a storm move thru my midwest town!)
i look forward to exploring your lovely and 'mysterious' blog more♡
Willow.... every day I wake up to cols and fog, I think of you, knowing you would revel in this climate. I DO love cold weather, but I get enough of it in the Winter....and to have an April, May June, July and most likely an August in grey cold is hard..... but, hey, I live here, so must make do.....
ReplyDeleteSend me few sunbeams, ok?
♥ Robin ♥
Amanda, hello and welcome! Yes, I am still amazed at all the passages between the "Blogging World".... but I am so happy to meet you and say hello. I adore Lori and Yoli.....and I will go off to say hi to your blog now.
ReplyDeleteI am pleased to have found another "Moon-lover".
♥ Robin ♥
there are comments here from people i love.
ReplyDeletelucky ducks, all of us.
i have 9 clients tomorrow. that is alot in anybody's book. good thing i like the work so much.
how are you tonight? thinking of you, girlfriend.
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ReplyDeleteHi dear Robin!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post and lovely image of a heron!
I am a believer in signs and this is a good one.
Just went through all your posts I have been missing and I feel your pain, but also your optimism!
Girl you will get through all of this!
I really hope I will land in SF soon and who knows we could meet in real......
Until then a big virtual hug from me and you will be in my thoughts!
...what is that saying? Hope is a bird with featherssss? Hoping for you...
ReplyDeleteOh, this will make you laugh, in Oregon some call Blue Herons 'Shitaquarts'...comes from being on the river in a raft when one flys over and well...'goes a quart'.