Ah....Santa Fe. She was just as magical, as lovely as I remember from my last visit four years ago.
The Church of Saint Francis.... a favourite place of mine to reflect, light candles, say prayers for everyone.
The Russian Sage is everywhere.....it's beautiful LILAC colour is gorgeous. |
Of course, I immediately saw some things that reminded me of dear friends...
Chris and I were driving to the Plaza (the Downtown area) when I spotted this car's license plate...."Quick"...I said, "Hurry and catch up so I can snap a photo for Lo"! |
And.....of course, the real Raven!
I wish I had time to enter this gallery that featured authentic photographs of Frida..... |
And...here she is....once again.... inspiring a window in Santa Fe! Senorita *Emilita* gets around!
I have always adored this sculpture of Saint Francis and the Prairie Dog.
Hmmm....snowing in Santa Fe in June?
No....it's a Cottonwood Tree......every June, it blossoms and sheds it's snow-like blossoms everywhere. The streets, the curbs, one's hair is covered in it's magical whiteness! I must have snapped 10 photos before I caught the *snow flurries*!
Another "Mim-fish"! He looks like he is dreaming of the Ocean.....it is very dry here!
Okay....time to drive to the Opera....after all, this may be a holiday for me...but Chris is working!
The freeways are all designed with various Indian motifs.....
And here we are....pulling in to the Opera House parking lot....it's pretty empty - because the season hasn't officially begun....it's rehearsal time.
The Opera House is located atop a high hill - with vistas of the Sangre de Christo Mountains on both sides.
No one here but the singers, the Director, the Maestro, the designers, the Technical Crew....and me.
The official poster for *The Pearl Fishers*....the first rehearsal I saw.
The stage is open in the back..making for dramatic entrances and exits in the night. Every opera begins at Sunset...and often you can see thunder and lightning in the distance....
Waaaay up stage, you can see a boat...this will be the form of transportation for the Princess Leila to arrive (from the sea) to greet her *people*...this opera takes place somewhere in the South Seas....
A piano rehearsal....no orchestra, and most of the cast not in costume.... except the *Princess* who was trying out her red veil as she is carried over the stage.
Second day of rehearsals... the weather changed (it had been 90 and blazingly hot....but not humid...)......I was hoping for a thunderstorm and some rain.... but though the clouds threatened...the rain never appeared.
Chris' silver hair on the right side.... I had to take photos *stealthily*..... for those of you who know the story of *Tosca*...yes, she did *jump* off the Castel Saint Angelo at the back of the stage.....very dramatic!
Chris and me....rehearsals done for the week...off to see Bofie!
"Ah.....they're finally home! It's so hot....but those tiles keep a big, thick-furred guy like me cool!"
Bofie has always curled his front paws like a cat! He did this as a puppy too.
Monday, my last day in Santa Fe, Chris took me to the Plaza Cafe..... where
I could enjoy my FAVOURITE Blue Corn Pinon Pancakes....... yummy!!!!
My last day in Santa Fe....giving Bofie a kiss.... one of millions we exchanged.. |
And that's it! I hope you enjoyed visiting Santa Fe with me!
I know this is a long post....but, a-ha-ha, these are only a fraction of the photos ...and tomorrow, I return to *my* Opera House....so I wanted to share with you while the memories are fresh.
Love to all,
♥ Robin ♥
p.s. The Crescent Moon Header is also a photo I took at Dawn on my second day...