Brrrrr......back from wonderful, but very cold New York! It didn't snow, but temperatures dipped down into the low 20's at night.
Mr. Mallard managed to find some water away from the ice. Doesn't he look cold? |
At least Mr. Squirrel could find his *hidden treasure trove* of buried nuts! |
Chris and I went to a wonderful restaurant - *Fishtail* to celebrate his birthday. The food was delicious - and the atmosphere great. The *noise level* was minimal - we could hear each other talk! The only bad thing - it poured rain! This meant taking the train into NYC - then a cab - then reversing it. Of course, I wore something dressy - with very high heels.... but it was worth it. We had a memorable evening.
Why take the train? Because Chris now lives in...
The very old (but very cool) inside of the Train Station.
Yonkers is not that far from Manhattan..... you can see it through the cloudy Wintry sky..
The Hudson River flows by - this is the view from Chris' apartment.
Geese!!! They became a constant joke - because my first few days, gaggles of them flew constantly over the river - sometimes as many as 60...... Of course, I never had my camera ready.....and on my last days, I would go out and WAIT....but nope...these were the only ones I caught - and I missed their landing!
Love the Greenish Glow of the lamp.. |
There is a wonderful sculpture garden nearby..
A Mim-Fish!
And of course, one of the main reasons I went to Yonkers.......BOFIE!
He looks good....greyer, slower, but still like a puppy when he gets new toys!
here he is with Winston XII (the rabbit) and Reynard - his new Fox. He absolutely loved Reynard and would walk around the apartment with him.....
I decided to add one more toy - my January *Farewell* gift.... Mr. Hedgehog!
Do you think Bofie liked him? A-ha-ha! |
Last day....I was feeling a little sad....I hate *adieus*....but when I saw *Lo's Emissary*, I felt better!
Right before departing for JFK..... we asked a passerby to snap a photo of the three of us.
I am so happy I went - and so were Chris and Bofie. We are slowly beginning to heal from the hurt of four years ago.... I don't know what the future holds...and am content to take it a day at a time.
I hope you enjoyed looking at these photos with me.
♥ Robin ♥