"This is the violet hour, the hour of hush and wonder, when the affectations glow and valor is reborn, when the shadows deepen along the edge of the forest and we believe that, if we watch carefully, at any moment we may see the unicorn."

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Updates

Front of House

Back of House

SF Opera Cast, Chorus and Orchestra take a well-deserved bow at the conclusion of yesterday's "Götterdämmerung".  This concluded 17 hours (more for those of us "Back-of House") of thrilling music.  The audience went crazy - standing, cheering, whistling....  (and this is just Cycle 1....there will be two more Cycles.) We had a bit of extra "drama" yesterday, as three-quarters of the way through, our tenor's (who plays "Siegfried") voice refused to "cooperate" and he was taken to a Dr. during intermission...but, heroically, decided to continue and sing his part in the final act.  Whenever the Opera's General Director comes out on stage before an act...one knows it is NOT good news..and everyone was holding their breath, wondering "who" was not going to be able to continue.

"My own" team had much to be proud of.... we provided food and drink to well over 200 people....and even on perfomance day, we had four of the principal singers come down and partake.  If I had a dollar for every heartfelt "thank you", I would be a wealthy woman!  A-ha-ha! 

Riding home last night, the bus was packed with out-of-town "Ring" goers....it was fun to listen to all the comments as they returned to their hotels - everyone was *buzzing* - some people humming various pieces of Wagner's Leitmotifs....

On other non-operatic news (aren't you thrilled)....  enroute to "Götterdämmerung" yesterday morning...I finally managed to capture "my" Mockingbird high up on the wires....

You will have to "embiggen" (as Lo says) to see him...  but it was the best I could do, halfway down my hill, carrying bags of groceries for the performance.  He has been singing just as thrillingly as our cast - trilling out his various *arias* as I departed for the opera at 10:00 a.m. and still out there, as I wearily climbed the hill to my home at 7:00 p.m. Our weather is GORGEOUS!  70 degrees - a rareity in SF this time of the year.  (We are usually socked  in with fog...)  So I KNOW Mr. *Mocker* is enjoying this....  me too!  I am taking a break from opera this week.....so perhaps I will be able to take a decent photo of my *Feathered Friend" for you!  Our lovely weather is supposed to last for another day....  sigh....heavenly!

I hope you are all enjoying a lovely last day of Spring!  Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice.


♥ Robin ♥


  1. BRAVA!!! BRAVA!!!
    I can't imagine, no I can't, the work and vocal effort and everything involved to make this series happen.
    And that mockingbird is just keeping you going, singing praises for your hard work.
    I would love to see the behind the scenes parts....how things work, etc....


  2. the front and back of the house is thrilling enough, but i must say i'm especially thrilled that you have sun on your shoulder for more than a day.

    how totally exciting for you to be in the heart of such grand performances. the bus ride home must have been awesome.

    we had quite a weekend on the east coast, robin. very very fun.


  3. Summer solstice there and Winter solstice here... So far and yet so near... Thanks for checking in on me Robin *Kisses*

  4. Your opera house looks so exciting and fun. I think of you every time I play my opera music.

  5. So happy you are having the wonderful weather you deserve!
    And that you enjoyed the performance. Hope you have some time off now to enjoy that weather!

